Monday, June 23, 2008


In talking about war I decided to use a more subtle and calmer color. If only to appease my own right brained mind. WWI caused many people especially artists to think of those things of the past. With another revolution on the brink the Twentieth Century opened a lot of eyes to history as well as the future. The Great War was the first of its magnitude involving so many countries. Some artists recount the events of the day with exceeding idealism while others created propoganda. "The war's lasting legacy was a sense of bitterly rebuffed idealism, bringing with it a suspicion of progress, technology, government, bureaucracy, nationalism, and conventional morality--themes probed in new ways by the period's writers" (1080). Lewis wrote about the Vorticist Manifesto in "Blast" along with other poetry by Pound and others. Lewis seemed to declare war on other writers while Britain was declaring war a few weeks later (1082).

1 comment:

Jonathan.Glance said...


Good overview on WWI, with some interesting remarks. The post ends, though, before you get around to discussing any particular text from the readings in any depth. It is the deep analysis that I want these blogs to show.